Your house is warm and ready for Christmas Eve when an unexpected visitor magically appears at your window. Your ancestor, the Owl Spiri...
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams Collector's Edition
After being abandoned at an orphanage 25 years prior, you've received an invitation to meet your biological mother aboard an underwate...
The Great Gatsby: Secret Treasure
The once glamorous Gatsby Mansion is now wrecked and seemingly deserted. Judy, a talented architect, is given her dream job when she is as...
Hidden Expedition: Smithsonian Hope Diamond Collector's Edition
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. ...
Mystery of Sargasso Sea
While on a yacht trip in the Sargasso, you suddenly find yourself trapped in a fierce storm. Struggling with the elements you've lost ...
Mysterium: Lake Bliss Collector's Edition
Molly Huggins, a young bride-to-be, summons you to the beautiful resort town of Lake Bliss to find her missing groom. Is Tommy Drake seein...
Myths of the World: Stolen Spring Collector's Edition
The rich folklore continues with this exciting tale set in an old Slavic land. As Child of Spring, can you save the world from eternal win...
Fall of the New Age Collector's Edition
In the dark times of the Medieval a baleful society of the Cult and its adherers strived to seize the rule over the city, control its inha...